Bearfoot Sparkling Yellow OD1

  • Sale
  • Regular price $234.95

Bearfoot pedals are Officially Licensed by BJF, and handwired in the USA.
They are Faithful Recreations of Bjorn's original hand-wired pedals.

The Sparkling Yellow Overdrive 1 is a Great Sounding Overdrive from
Bearfoot Pedals. It's voiced more toward British amps and speakers,
with Less Compression and More High-End Sparkle than their
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive 2.

-All Hand-wired
-V controls Volume
-D controls Drive
-M controls Mids
-T controls Tone
-Runs on 5-15V

The SYOD1 covers a lot of territory from Mild to Medium Crunchy, and is
voiced to pair up with Bearfoot's Sparkling Yellow Overdrive 2 for all the
Gain-Staging you'll need.